To any law enforcement, Google/Lenovo workers, or any other authorized parties: I, (Bypassi), hereby state that I did not: - Participate in any way in the development of the software for the SH1MMER exploit. I did not write any code that is included in its payload. - Acquire or steal any shims. I do not possess any permanent copies of these shims. - Use the SH1MMER exploit to unenroll any computer. I have unenrolled computers in the past, but not using the SH1MMER exploit. - Disclose any information about the exploit to the public. - Have access to the SH1MMER bug report and therefore did not violate any terms of service. My only involvement, if it can be identified as that, with the MWS team was the input and influence on the HTML and CSS design of the website (, which I did for the purpose of adding some humorous content. I understand that - companies and system administrators may take action against the creators of the exploit, and I regret that we live in a world where this is necessary. However, I want to make it clear that I am not a leader or organizer in this operation. My domain ( and its subdomains do not host any material containing shims or exploits, with the exception of some low-severity already-public examples on my security explanations blog ( I respectfully request that law enforcement or authorized parties do not take action against me, and do not revoke my access to services that I rely on for legal and personal coding projects. If you do, you are mistaken in your assumptions about my involvement in this matter. Thank you for your understanding.